Grand Lakes Orlando
Sustainability & Green Practices
At Grande Lakes Orlando, we know it's not just about enjoying a wonderfully scenic environment today— it's fundamental to maintain our pristine space for many years to come. We're proud to be the responsible stewards of 528 acres of amazing Florida territory and 100% committed to ensuring our hospitality operations are as sustainable as possible. Sustainability at Grande Lakes Orlando goes beyond participating in a handful of programs — it's our culture, which influences everything we do from golf to gastronomy.
- Resort-wide Sustainability Y Efforts
- 6 Certified Florida Master Naturalists on site
- Golf Course is a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary
- 35 acres of untouched natural environment
- 90% reduction of chemicals used on golf course
- 100+ acres of maintained lakes
- Reduction in water usage by 12 million gallons
- 33 acres of monitored and protected habitats
- Reduction in gasoline usage by 18%
- 100+ species of birds on the property
- Three butterfly gardens, 18 bird nest boxes, and six bat houses
- Whisper Creek Farm (7,000 square feet of fruit and vegetable gardens) produce is used in hotel restaurants, bars, and spa.
- Golf course borders Shingle Creek which will never be developed
- Energy Efficiency
- Compact fluorescent lighting used in guestrooms and corridors
- Photo sensors installed in all mechanical rooms
- Energy management control systems used for lighting
- All larger motors and equipment have VFD's to control motor speed
- High-efficiency chillers provide cooling for the buildings
- Insulated window systems used throughout the resort
- Additional window tinting installed in several areas
- All roof areas have a coating to reflect heat buildup
- All conference center area lighting upgraded to lower-wattage halogen bulbs
- Property energy management system controls all heating and cooling equipment
- Waste Reduction
- Cardboard recycling compactor used for boxes
- Single-stream recycling compactor installed
- Recycling training program implemented
- Bulk purchasing practices used
- Ink and toner cartridges recycled
- Wood pallet recycling
- Recycling transfer stations installed property-wide for back-of-the-house use
- Recycling trash cans positioned throughout the property for guest use
- Clean Air
- High-efficiency air filters used in all HVAC equipment and MERV 8's
- All buildings kept at a positive pressure
- Humidity is maintained at 55% or below, preventing mold and mildew
- Grande Lakes buildings are smoke-free
- All exhaust fans vent to the outside, not within buildings
- Asbestos-free buildings
- Carbon monoxide detectors and exhaust fans are computer controlled and located in all meeting spaces
- Win Track Preventive Maintenance Program used to ensure proper HVAC maintenance scheduling
- HVAC system and water features inspected and tested by an independent environmental testing laboratory each year
- Environmental Conservation & Nature
- Natural habitats for wildlife created and maintained on the grounds
- Educational eco tours, nature walks, and trails available to guests
- The Ritz-Carlton Golf Course is designated as a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary
- Fishing operations maintain a catch-and-release fishery